Sara Wolf – Publicity Chairperson
Calusa Garden Club of Marco Island
Calusa Garden Club of Marco Island members attended a workshop on February 21 on making tillandsia wreaths. Horticulture chairperson Linda Schwoeppe presented a brief information session on growing requirements for tillandsias, then showed members how to use tillandsias in decorative ways. Using prepared grapevine wreaths, members glued tillandsia plants to the wreaths to make an attractive home décor item. Tillandsia, or air plants, grow well in Southwest Florida and attach themselves to trees or other growing plants. They absorb water through their leaves or spikes, not through their roots, and contrary to popular belief, need water to survive. Growing tillandsia, whether attached to another plant or to a decorative item such as a wreath or shell, requires attention to their need for filtered light and sprays of water on their leaves or spikes. The photo shows the members and their creations.
Club members plan to demonstrate tillandsia wreath making at their April 9 Gardeners’ Paradise Home Garden Tour. This fundraiser will showcase the home gardens of four avid gardeners on Marco Island who have used striking tropical native or Florida friendly plants in their landscapes. In addition to the home tours, Club members will present demonstrations of horticulture techniques at each home.
The Garden Club’s recent floral design workshop, chaired by Connie Lowery and Jackie Purvis, taught members how to make sculptural forms using frameworks and yarn that can be used to enhance floral designs or to provide a framework for a floral design. The photo shows the floral design workshop participants with their completed floral designs that feature yarn accents.
At the February meeting, Monique Doyle, Second Vice-President in charge of Membership, introduced Carla Bruni and installed her as a new member of the Club. The photo shows Bruni being introduced to the Club.

Calusa Garden Club of Marco Island is a Section 501(c)3 organization and is a member of the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs. Membership is open to persons interested in horticulture, floral design and environmental matters residing 5 months or more in Collier County.
Calusa Garden Club of Marco Island meets the second Monday of each month, October through April at Wesley United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. If you are interested in membership, please contact the Garden Club at For updates and information, please visit the Garden Club’s website,, or visit the Club’s Facebook page Calusa Garden Club.