Calusa Garden Club of Marco Island launched a new program – Fun and Fellowship – under the direction of First Vice President and Membership Chairman Monica Doyle. A member hosts a party, lunch, brunch, or other activity for a limited number of other members, and gives new members first priority in attendance. The get-togethers promote getting to know each other in an informal setting outside of the normal meeting and workshop schedule.
On Monday, January 23, Sara Wolf hosted a cocktail party for 12 at Residents Beach from 4:00 to 6:30 to watch the sunset. The new members attending were Ellen Norton and Nanette Baumgardner. Other members who attended were Kimberly Korb Porter, Janet Watson, Nancy Adams, Opi DeFalco, Margy Bruckman and Kathy McNabb. Sara served a selection of cold hors d’oeuvres, along with alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Although the day was a little cloudy, the sun came out during the cocktail party, and the group enjoyed a beautiful sunset.