On Friday March 17 and Saturday March 18, Calusa Garden Club of Marco Island had a booth at the vendor area of the Naples Garden Club Flower Show that was held at Naples Botanical Gardens. What better place and time to sell our Club’s Gardening Guides than Naples Botanical Garden, at an event attended by many gardeners?
The Club sold 71 Gardening Guides over the two days, and in addition, the volunteers met many interesting people who are gardeners in Southwest Florida. Volunteers at our booth also enjoyed the Naples Garden Club Flower Show and many of us purchased great plants and accessories in the vendor tent.
CGC volunteers who participated were Sara Wolf and Kimberly Korb Porter, Co-Chairs, Donna Kay, Debra Kuhlman, Jeannette Doyle, Ellen von Nagell, Marsha Riss, Nanette Baumgardner, Nancy Adams, Kathy McNabb, Monique Doyle, Kathy Hershberger, Joan Husband, Elizabeth Haines Papagiannis. The teams of Kathy Hershberger + Joan Husband and Ellen von Nagell + Jeannette Doyle were the teams selling the most Gardening Guides during their shifts! For their efforts, the 4 members received $10 gift certificates to Sweet Annie’s Ice Cream Parlor.

Ellen van Nagell, Jeannette Doyle and Sara Wolf display CGC’s Gardening Guide