Lindy Kowalczyk Instructs
Floral Design Class
Calusa Garden Club of Marco Island met on Wednesday, October 19 for a floral design class held at Marco Library’s Rose Hall. Club member and Flower Show Judge Lindy Kowalczyk instructed the group on making traditional floral designs and also on making creative floral designs, and members discussed methods for making floral arrangements suitable for Thanksgiving by using fall colors and Thanksgiving-themed accents such as silk leaves in fall colors, miniature pumpkin accents, and acorns or small pine cones.
The Club is preparing for the Plant and Thanksgiving Arrangement Sale to be held on Tuesday, November 22, outdoors in the Marco Lutheran Church parking lot from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. In addition to the beautiful, elegant flower arrangements designed for Thanksgiving, members will also sell beautiful indoor and outdoor plants and lovely, low-care succulent dish gardens perfect for our warm winters outdoors on a lanai.
Charlette Roman, a friend of Calusa Garden Club, will sell a variety of her prize-winning orchids and cuttings from some of her orchids. The sale will also include designer planters with complementary tropical plants to accent lanais or living rooms.
Calusa Garden Club of Marco Island is a Section 501(c)3 organization and is a member of the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs. Membership is open to persons interested in horticulture, floral design and environmental matters residing 5 months or more in Collier County.
Calusa Garden Club of Marco Island meets the second Monday of each month, October through April at Rose Hall at Marco Island library. If you are interested in membership, please contact the Garden Club at calusagardenclub@yahoo.com. For updates and information, please visit the Garden Club’s website, calusa.org, or visit the Club’s Facebook page Calusa Garden Club.