Submitted By: Sara Wolf
Calusa Garden Club of Marco Island – Publicity Chairperson
National Garden Week, as declared by National Garden Clubs, Inc., is the first full week in June. Calusa Garden Club of Marco Island publicized National Garden Week by focusing on flowers. Marianne Foley, chairman of the Garden Club committee “Flowers in Public Places,” solicited members to create beautiful floral designs and donate them to our public places on Marco Island.
The floral designs made by CGC members to celebrate the week illustrate the variety that can be achieved through designing with flowers. The photo of Bruce Neustadt, owner of Cache Cleaners, shows Connie Lowery’s striking design. The yellow daisy mums and cream-colored lily contrast with the tall dark green tropical leaves. Lowery’s use of complementary colors in the yellow flowers and the deep blue vase, further pleases the eye in this design. Marianne Foley created the design shown in the photo of Dale Blodgett at the Collier County Tax Collector’s office. This arrangement, in monochromatic green shades from the flowers and leaves to the container, shows creative use of looped and folded leaves that accent the shape of the clustered green mums and large green spider mum featured in the design.

Calusa Garden Club is a member of the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs and membership is open to those interested in horticulture, floral design and environmental matters residing 5 months or more in Collier County.
Calusa Garden Club meets the second Monday of the months of October and November, and January through March, at Wesley United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 350 S. Barfield Drive, Marco Island. Business meetings begin at 12:30 p.m. and programs begin at 1:15 p.m. Calusa Garden Club welcomes visitors interested in our educational programs and visitors interested in membership. Contact the Garden Club at, or on the Garden Club’s website,, or visit the Club’s Facebook page Calusa Garden Club.
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Marianne Foley took the photos attached.