Florida Gardener Magazine is looking for a Cover Photo for the Spring issue. They are holding a contest to find that special image. Someone from one of Florida’s many Garden Clubs will shoot the Spring cover of the Florida Gardener Magazine. Why not us?
Submission Due January 15, 2023 – Members Follow These Rules:
Send the Florida Gardener editor one email with two attachments – the cover submission form and a special photo. The Editor’s email and submission form are found on the link below:
Click Here On This Link to Download Form
When you download your photo from the cell phone or camera to your computer, Please give it a personal name (As suggested in the form) and save it. Attach that photo to the email along with the submission form. Send it to: floridagardener@outlook.com (Lisa Packard) That’s all there is to it.
Can’t decide which of your photos you should send??? Ask a friend or just pick one and GO FOR IT! – But ONLY send ONE.
Important Note – Images MUST be HIGH Resolution. You can do a web search on the ‘make and model’ of your cell phone or camera to see on how to do this. Check your DPI – dots per inch. All settings should be 300 dpi, or higher. Anything less is pixelated.
Top quality photos are in the 2,000 x 5,000 pixel range. Any photo under 800×600 is blurry for a magazine cover. Check the setting of the camera you are using to change the resolution. Send the largest image you can.
A Magazine Cover requires that the photographer to look at “what’s in the whole frame of the cover layout”, not just the object in the image. Remember on the cover there is a Heading Mast and other words placed on the Cover. Use the Winter “Florida Gardener” cover seen here as an example of how your HORIZONTAL image should look to fit into our cover. Shoot your images to fit this cover layout.

Good Luck and let’s have one of our members be the cover photographer for the Spring issue of the Florida Gardner!
Remember – Submission Due By January 15, 2023
Eva M. Kubinsky