Join Us – Member Application
Membership Thoughts . . .
Thank you for your interest regarding membership in the Calusa Garden Club of Marco Island.
In Season is your season! The club is a place where friendship and hands-on learning is key. Our workshops, demonstrations, luncheons and community events will keep you busy and smiling as we beautify our lives and community.
The Calusa Garden Club was founded in 1982 and federated in l983 and is part of District IX of the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. and the National Garden Clubs Inc. The National Garden Club promotes education, resources, and national networking opportunities for its members, which stimulates the love of gardening, and floral design, as well as encourages civic and environmental responsibility. The Calusa Garden Club shares these same goals.
Monthly meetings are held on the second Monday of the month from October through April. After a workshop, light lunch, and our business meeting there is an informative presentation or demonstration which promotes horticultural education or artistic floral design.
Club members are busy in the community with numerous activities and committees. We maintain memorial markers, a butterfly garden, coordinate and hold a spring flower show, promote the sale of our gardening guide, teach the Junior Gardeners at Tommie Barfield School, and hold member luncheons. You will be expected to actively participate in these activities.
To qualify for membership, you must be a resident of Collier County for five months or more of the year and have at least one current club members sponsor you – introductions will be arranged for sponsors. Members are required to attend at least four meetings a year and pay annual membership dues. There is a $25.00 one time membership fee for new members.
If you wish to pursue active membership and would like to attend a meeting as a prospective member, please contact our Membership Coordinator. After you have attended the required introduction meeting of the organization and completed an application found here online, it will be offered to the Board for final approval. We are all looking forward to meeting you!
Note – Our monthly meetings are open for your attendance. Please check our Event Calendar on this website for the next meeting time and place.